Luxury Sleep Blogs

How to Create a Cozy Winter Rental Property - My Luxury Sleep Shop

How to Create a Cozy Winter Rental Property

Transforming your rental property into a cozy winter home is not only possible but also essential for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in the colder months. By incorporating simple...

Why is Eiderdown so Expensive - My Luxury Sleep Shop

Why is Eiderdown so Expensive?

As a bedding material, what sets eiderdown apart from other types of bedding, is its amazing softness and its distinctive insulating properties. Each tiny cluster of...

Our Guide To Summer Duvets - My Luxury Sleep Shop

Our Guide To Summer Duvets

With warmer temperatures and longer summer days, it’s important to have a suitable duvet for the season. The right duvet or comforter ensures a comfortable and cool night's sleep during...

How To Air Out Your Duvet - My Luxury Sleep Shop

How To Air Out Your Duvet

It is our pleasure to report that summer is upon us! Dry weather has arrived and with these warmer days comes an opportunity to air out and freshen your goose...

How to Tell The Quality of a Pillow - My Luxury Sleep Shop

How to Tell The Quality of a Pillow

A good night's sleep starts with the right pillow. The quality of your pillow plays a crucial role in providing comfort, support, and a restful sleep experience. But how can...